AEHF 3 search elements

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2013 - 15:45:32 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "satellite"

    AEHF 3, the third Milstar replacement, is scheduled for launch from CCAFS, aboard an Atlas 5-531, on 2013 Sep 18,
    between 07:04 UTC and 09:04 UTC:
    Here is the approximate MECO 2 (T+00:27:35) TLE, assuming launch at 07:04 UTC:
    AHEF 3                                                 176 X 50084 km
    1 75600U          13261.31359955  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    04
    2 75600  20.7000 285.0000 7920000 180.0000   1.1497  1.55264620    04
    Not long after spacecraft separation (T+00:50:58), the Centaur will perform a CCAM (collision and contamination
    avoidance manoeuvre) followed by blowdown of any remaining propellants, which should be complete by about 4400 s after
    separation, or about 09:08 UTC, which is the epoch of the search TLE:
    Centaur                                                 88 X 50428 km
    1 75601U          13261.38055557  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    03
    2 75601  20.4000 286.4000 7956000 178.2500  37.9467  1.54321810    08
    Based on what was learned in the aftermath of the aborted firing of AEHF 1's LAE (liquid apogee engine), three LAE
    firings are planned to be completed within 6 days of launch, which will raise the apogee to about 19,000 km, and reduce
    the inclination to about 6 deg. This will be followed by about 100 days of firing by the hall current thruster electric
    propulsion system, to reach a 4.8 deg inclined synchronous orbit. 
    AEHF 3 is likely to be checked out near 120 W for several months, before being moved to its operational location.
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Sep 17 2013 - 15:47:25 UTC