Geosat flaring season

From: Bob Hampton (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2012 - 19:11:51 UTC

  • Next message: Brad Young: "BY Okietex 091212 w/ NEO 2012 QG42"

    Hello,  I am a long time satellite watcher but I have been absent from this
    list for several years.  If I am remembering right geosat flaring season
    (in the northern hemisphere) will begin soon i.e. shortly after Sept.
    equinox.  I saw this a few years ago and I really was amazed - watched them
    for several nights, lighting up one by one as they moved from Pisces into
    Cetus.  Don't want to miss it this time.  May even want to make an event of
    it for my astronomy club.  I'm at 36 degrees N.  Is there an easy way to
    figure what dates to look for this?
    Bob Hampton
    President, Blue Ridge Astronomy Group
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