CZ-4C DEB 36417 Flares while in shadow - is this common ?

From: joseph daniel (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2012 - 03:13:16 UTC

  • Next message: joseph daniel: "Re: Complicated Question about sky geometry"

     Spotted CZ-4C DEB - NORAD  36417 flaring last night (used Satflare to easily nail it) , around mag 
    +2.5 to +3.5 perhaps , and will do an FPAS soon , but was curious about it flaring 1 minute
    before it came out of shadow (HA & FS both confirm inside shadow) .
     Is this common ? If it wasn't sunlight bouncing off could it have been Venus or Jupiter or
    Capella etc or even the moon (flare lasted ~3 seconds) ?
     Also , did a search of Seesat's archives (thanks George) and only 1 hit from 53 weeks ago by
    Kevin Fetter , although Satflares newly
    expanded DB showed this report by Brad Young early this year also .
     Also of interest was HA having 19 different NORADS for that one sat name . I'm guessing they
    all originated from one particular vehicle ?
    Thanks in Advance for any info ,
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