Possible unid sat seen so far

From: Kevin Fetter (kfetter@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Sep 10 2012 - 10:22:20 UTC

  • Next message: Bram Dorreman: "PPAS/PNASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-09-09"

    While scanning the sky, I came across a fast moving easy to see sat. I noticed nothing was shown in the area, as I followed it. 
    Later, to be safe I ran a better check, and so far nothing was in the area at the time, and took the path seen.
    At around 9:32:53 utc ( Sept 10 ) it passed within 1 degree of the bright star called Rigel  ( Beta Orion ) located at
    5 h 14 min R.A
    -8 deg 12 min Dec
    It was heading in south eastern direction.
    I don't think it was a bird.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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