I've created a new version of my downloader using the new API. Now I think this version is able to download the data we need minimizing the traffic as well, however, I provide this new release in a test mode that is programmed to work only for 5 days. The new program downloads the latest element of each object using the new class (tle_latest) and, to further limit the generated traffic, it requests only the new element since your last visit. This new version can also download the catalog in 3 line format (I use a first query that retrieves the satellite names). To minimize traffic, the program retrieves the list only once a day. Each catalog is automatically renamed with the current date and archived in the Archive folder . I think this version can be used to download and keep up-to-date the catalog minimizing both the database queries and traffic. If it is so, I will release the final version (maybe with other features) after the test period. The new program can be downloaded from: http://www.satflare.com/bulkupdater.html Best regards, Simone _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-l
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