AMSAT Sponsors ARISSat-1 Re-entry Contest

Date: Fri Sep 30 2011 - 06:28:09 UTC

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    I thought this might be of interest to the group - Greg
    AMSAT Secretary Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, said the ARISSat-1 Team is still looking for
    entries in the Chicken Little Contest. This is your opportunity to calculate or
    guess when ARISSat-1 falls out of orbit. This is defined as the time it crosses
    an altitude of 78 kilometers, which is considered to be the point of no return.
    “This involves your prognostications, calculations, guesses,
    darts-in-the-calendar submissions for when ARRISSat-1 makes its final orbit,”
    Biddle said. “We have a fair number of submissions from all over the world from
    adults, but very few from students. If you know of one who might be interested,
    encourage them to enter.”
    There are three categories in this contest: Student category for Kindergarten
    through grade 8, Student category for high school (grades 9-12) and Adults. “In
    addition to individual students, we encourage classes or organizations, such as
    science clubs, to make group submissions,” he explained. “Please give the UTC
    date in the format of day, month, year, hours, minutes and seconds. Submissions
    are limited to one per person or group. Members of a group making a submission
    may not submit a second individual entry. Adults and individual students should
    include their name and amateur call sign, if they have one. Individual students
    should also give their grade in school. Student groups should include the name of
    their group or class, school and which category they represent. Finally, we would
    like to know your city, state, province or region, and your country.”
    Submissions will close on October 15, 2011 at 23:59:00 (UTC). Biddle said that
    the closest predictions in each category will be recognized for their
    achievement. Send your submissions via e-mail to
    Seesat-l mailing list

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Sep 30 2011 - 06:28:44 UTC