Re: UARS - Breakup over Alberta or the Pacific?

From: Greg Williams (
Date: Sat Sep 24 2011 - 14:24:24 UTC

  • Next message: Allen Thomson: "Re: UARS - Breakup over Alberta or the Pacific?"

    Initially, there were reports of debris sightings in Alberta coming  
    across the wire services. Then it got changed to the Pacific, then it  
    got changed to "sometime between 11:23 p.m. EDT and 1:09 a.m. EDT".  
    That 108-minute window covers over one orbit. It's kinda like saying I  
    live somewhere between Miami and Seattle. The phony video (which I  
    fell for) didn't help either...
    Either we'll find out from NORAD that it went in the drink or we'll  
    hear about it when someone wakes up and wonders why there's a  
    smoldering 10-ton twisted metal monstrosity in their backyard.
    Greg Williams
    On Sep 24, 2011, at 10:02 AM, Bob King wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    > So I'm confused. Did UARS break up over southern Alberta or the
    > Pacific Ocean? The latest NASA update says the Pacific Ocean.
    > Thanks,
    > Bob
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