RE: UARS: Satevo decay estimates; ground track plot

From: Derek C Breit (
Date: Wed Sep 21 2011 - 21:24:27 UTC

  • Next message: Derek C Breit: "RE: UARS: Satevo decay estimates; ground track plot"

    Is it too much to ask for a minor dip in Solar activity??
    Just 7 hours later, at 3UT Sept 24th, fits my schedule better..
    This would decay UARS over North America in a dark sky at a convenient hour
    on Friday night..
    Derek - in the form of a pretzel with all appendages crossed.
    PS.. "Track the UARS in RealTime"
    Which reminds me of a question.. How do I change the displayed sat on
    Heavens Above??
    -----Original Message-----
    [] On Behalf
    Of Ted Molczan
    Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:51 PM
    Subject: UARS: Satevo decay estimates; ground track plot
    Propagating USSTRATCOM's orbital elements of UARS (91063B / 21701) with
    epoch on Sep 21 UTC, using Satevo, indicates
    decay late on Sep 23, roughly between 18:00 and 22:00 UTC. This is
    consistent with Harro Zimmer's estimate of 20:05 UTC
    +/- 5 h, which he posted 24 h ago. 
    I offer the following ground track plot to help visualize where UARS could
    come down during that period.
    There is still potential for the estimated time of decay to shift somewhat,
    before it begins to narrow down.
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list
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