Help with possible flasher ID

From: Denis Denisenko (
Date: Thu Sep 15 2011 - 16:15:57 UTC

  • Next message: Brooke Clarke: "UARS Re-Entry Overview"

    Hello all!
    Got an interesting flash on the image taken remotely from Bradford 
    Robotic Telescope last night at 2011-09-15T00:05:48.  Can somebody with 
    the fresh TLE please check if there was any satellite at the following 
    17 35 03.54 +37 12 45.7
    Exposure was 60 sec long (that is, observation midtime was 2011 Sep. 15 
    at 00:06:18 UT).
    Coordinates of the observatory are:
    28d17'54" N, 16d30'34" W
    Thank you in advance!
    Den in Moscow
    Seesat-l mailing list

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