Re: Why do people look at satellites?

From: George Olshevsky (
Date: Sun Sep 11 2011 - 18:00:40 UTC

  • Next message: Scott Tilley: "ST obs Sept 11th"

    On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Kevin Fetter <> wrote:
    > Because they are there, and easy to see compared to other stuff in the night sky like supernova, comet's and asteroid's. Look at how many of them, you can see with just the eye's.
    Back in the late 1980s the arrival of Halley's comet inspired me to
    purchase a large 11x80 binocular. Using it and star maps in Sky &
    Telescope, I was able to pick out a number of rather faint comets,
    some nice galaxies (M31 and M33, e.g.), globular clusters, and open
    clusters, a very new moon invisible to me without the binocular, the
    crescent Venus in broad daylight six degrees away from the sun on the
    day of inferior conjunction, Galilean satellites, the asteroids Ceres
    and Vesta, and the planets Uranus and Neptune (so I've seen all eight
    solar system planets with my own eyes). These are, of course, all
    trivial objects for experienced observers. Was never able to pick out
    Titan near Saturn. Never had the $$$ to pick up a nice scope, and now
    that age + diabetes have blurred my  vision, I guess I won't bother. I
    used to be able to scan the western sky with the binocular just after
    sunset on any clear day and pick up several satellites, though I had
    no idea which ones they might have been. I presume this is still
    possible, but I haven't been inclined to try in recent years.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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