Error Found in Obs of 7816

From: Young, Brad (
Date: Fri Sep 09 2011 - 16:13:14 UTC

  • Next message: Harro Zimmer: "UARS decay (fwd)"

    I've discovered that the stopwatch reset I performed on Sunday night also changed the way the new Robic watch counts in chrono mode, so the following observations of 7816;
    07816 75 043A   8336 E 20110906111240460 17 25 0159595+215263 19 S
    07816 75 043A   8336 E 20110906111244390 17 25 0156681+233510 18 S
    Should be:
    07816 75 043A   8336 E 20110906111236130 17 25 0159595+215263 19 S
    07816 75 043A   8336 E 20110906111240460 17 25 0156681+233510 18 S
    Perhaps I should dig up that user manual.
    I figured this out while checking on an UNID seen that morning before boarding a plane to the beautiful Susquehanna River valley. Hopes and prayers to my coworkers and friends there.
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