Re: Why do people look at satellites?

Date: Fri Sep 09 2011 - 14:51:49 UTC

  • Next message: Young, Brad: "Error Found in Obs of 7816"

    In a message dated 9/8/2011 4:35:49 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time, writes:
    Just wondering, what's  the reason some of you watch satellites, work
    related?  Purely  hobbiest?
    Back  in the 1960's, the Hayden Planetarium in New York had a telephone
    service  called "Dial-a-Satellite" (TR-3-0404) in which you could call each 
    day to get  the
    latest details on the visible passes of the Echo satellites.  I used  to 
    ring up
    quite a phone bill sometimes in getting the details.  It was  quite 
    I can still remember, verbatim, the explanation  leading into the viewing 
    "Satellite information is based on  calculations from the Smithsonian 
    Observatory in Cambridge,  Massachusetts.  Times are for the satellite's 
    point of passage,  but they may be seen for a few minutes both before and 
    the times  given."
    I also remember getting details on a barium cloud launch from  Wallops 
    Island in
    March 1967 from dialing that phone number.  And for  about a week
    in late October 1965, the satellite information was suspended in  favor of 
    viewing details for Comet Ikeya-Seki.  Dr. Thomas  Nicholson later wrote in 
    February 1966 issue of Natural History magazine  that while 
    Dial-a-Satellite usually
    received about 100 calls per day, during  the week that the comet info was 
    provided the number of calls shot up  to about 1,000 per day!
    -- joe rao     
    Seesat-l mailing list

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