Just joined, noob warning. Objects observed, wondering what I saw

From: Derrick MacPherson (derrickmacpherson@gmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 06 2011 - 06:09:46 UTC

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "2011SEP5.OBS Part II"

    So I'm sorry for the lack of concrete description, I'll happily answer any
    questions to clarify of it leads to identifying what I saw last Sunday
    night, August 28th. I was at friends place, in north Vancouver, Canada. I
    was looking towards south, south east. It was around 8pm PDT, I noticed a
    quite bright object moving pretty close to straight east, at what I would
    tend to think a satellite normally looks like. I called attention to it
    because it was much brighter than anything i've normally seen, that's moving
    like a satellite. It was the brightest light in the sky. About this same
    time I noticed an object traversing north to south, that looked like what I
    normally would say a satellite looks like. This all happened in about ten
    seconds, I called to our other friend to take a look and the first object
    was no longer visible.. I could guess the original object location in the
    sky, I'm sure that info would be helpful, I am just not sure what way you
    guys would normally measure that info, so I'll try to explain - looking
    towards the south, I'd say it was about 50-55 degrees, looking east it was
    maybe 35-45 degrees, I hope that makes sense. This object disappeared,
    observing the speed at it was traveling, it is very hard to believe it would
    have made it over the horizon. Any other info I can provide? I have one
    other person to confer with if I don't know the answer, or to solidify my
    Thank you very much for your time and hopeful for noob pity
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