recent decay list?

From: Roger (
Date: Sun Sep 04 2011 - 05:49:09 UTC

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: recent decay list?"

    I saw a pretty spectacular meteor last night (Sep2nd).    About 05:31
    UTC(Sep 3), saw a meteor roughly from north to south.  If it had kept
    going, it would have entered the big dipper between Dubhe and Merak
    pretty much straight on. It was wider than normal, I couldn't tell if
    it was multiple parts breaking up, or just a large fireball from one
    piece.   If there was light from the moon, I would have expected to
    see a residual smoke trail.
    Anybody know if any satellites decayed about that time?
    44.260556°N 121.801222°W   1600M
    Is there an online reference for decays?
    Seesat-l mailing list

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