We have the good fortune to have a shadow exit ISS/STS pass on November 28th at 1507 UTC just after undocking and immediately before flyaround commences. This is very early in the morning our time, 0407 on Saturday morning. Best visibility is likely to be from the North Island, the further east the better. Long range forecasts indicate a reasonable chance of good weather at my location. As we seem to have very few New Zealand observers on the list, any members with friends in New Zealand (who would be keen enough to observe at that hour) may wish to alert them to this possibility. As I do not have good enough film equipment to do this event justice and it wall be difficult to find anyone who has who is willing to be available at that hour it would be appreciated if any contacts you might have who would be suitable could be approached for this. I will also try and get the word out to the media. We also have a second pass about half an hour before final separation but by then the sky will be quite bright. A busy time coming up as we should also get to see the new Progress and its R/B- but probably not tonight after launch as I am currently clouded out. Robert Holdsworth Wainuiomata New Zealand 174.948E 41.261S ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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