Optical 04 May 2013 Part 1

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Mon May 06 2013 - 12:06:48 UTC

  • Next message: Andriy Makeyev: "Re[2]: Panstarrs with an unid"

    Observations 04 May 2013 Part 1
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    FLI ML8300M CCD camera with mechanical shutter + Trimble GPS
    Used with 102mm aperture f/5 SKYWATCHER refractor.
    Field of view 123 x 93 arc minutes.
    Image scale 8.86 arc sec/pixel.
    Images processed and measured with APEX.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
    Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa
    08916 76 059A   0433 E 20130504181853440 16 15 1424151-070321 88  +137 06
    08916 76 059A   0433 E 20130504181642324 16 15 1422027-065903 48  +139 06
    08916 76 059A   0433 E 20130504181816045 16 15 1423372-070149 58  +128 27
    08916 76 059A   0433 E 20130504181737964 16 15 1422589-070111 97  +133 08
    08916 76 059A   0433 E 20130504181932860 16 15 1424547-070416 28  +130 03
    10016 77 038A   0433 E 20130504221303076 16 15 1842293-071758 18  +143 04
    10016 77 038A   0433 E 20130504221221838 16 15 1841475-071808 18  +138 03
    10016 77 038A   0433 E 20130504221045366 16 15 1840093-071840 97  +128 01
    10016 77 038A   0433 E 20130504221135844 16 15 1841005-071822 87  +140 03
    10669 78 016A   0433 E 20130504190557239 16 15 1226222-004131 29  +141 08
    10669 78 016A   0433 E 20130504190835702 16 15 1228530-005230 29  +143 15
    10669 78 016A   0433 E 20130504190752737 16 15 1228114-004937 38  +155 13
    10669 78 016A   0433 E 20130504190917468 16 15 1229325-005510 18  +162 08
    11436 79 053C   0433 E 20130504184413984 16 15 1424276-061945 29  +139 12
    11436 79 053C   0433 E 20130504184653914 16 15 1427079-062711 18  +131 01
    11436 79 053C   0433 E 20130504184539927 16 15 1425531-062330 38  +132 02
    11436 79 053C   0433 E 20130504184331667 16 15 1423450-061703 19  +136 07
    11436 79 053C   0433 E 20130504184138564 16 15 1421515-061141 58  +135 05
    20355 89 090B   0433 E 20130504220248323 16 15 1907563-105814 18  +103 01
    20355 89 090B   0433 E 20130504220224265 16 15 1907312-105727 18  +097 00
    20355 89 090B   0433 E 20130504220141097 16 15 1906462-105606 18  +096 01
    20355 89 090B   0433 E 20130504220309148 16 15 1908180-105852 18  +096 00
    23893 96 029A   0433 E 20130504180856555 16 15 0802024-140646 87  +071 02
    23893 96 029A   0433 E 20130504181010758 16 15 0815462-095235 48  +069 02
    23893 96 029A   0433 E 20130504181040681 16 15 0820534-081341 88  +068 01
    23893 96 029A   0433 E 20130504180807782 16 15 0752047-165935 48  +068 01
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213354789 16 15 1449104+065538 98  +146 11
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213843672 16 15 1453510+064027 19  +134 07
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213618209 16 15 1451297+064811 38  +151 10
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213539228 16 15 1450518+065009 38  +143 05
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213714021 16 25 1452403+064532 48  +145 91
    24740 97 008D   0433 E 20130504213746369 16 15 1452552+064326 98  +135 07
    25349 96 026B   0433 E 20130504213134327 16 15 1436532-004202 67  +107 01
    25349 96 026B   0433 E 20130504213051620 16 15 1436099-004027 77  +105 01
    25349 96 026B   0433 E 20130504212924843 16 15 1434418-003711 28  +110 01
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164505252 16 15 0830185-110211 28  +122 02
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164140753 16 15 0827321-104155 18  +109 02
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164621311 16 15 0831217-110953 28  +124 02
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164407013 16 15 0829307-105616 18  +113 01
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164444121 16 15 0830010-110002 28
    25669 99 017A   0433 E 20130504164206575 16 15 0827524-104440 18  +099 01
    28117 03 057A   0433 E 20130504174726550 16 15 1348486+054246 87  +112 01
    28117 03 057A   0433 E 20130504174952362 16 15 1351144+054032 28  +111 01
    28117 03 057A   0433 E 20130504175048097 16 15 1352102+053940 18  +111 01
    29242 06 024C   0433 E 20130504192957845 16 15 1447233+074156 28  +130 05
    29242 06 024C   0433 E 20130504193125760 16 15 1448551+073949 28  +135 05
    29242 06 024C   0433 E 20130504193207643 16 15 1449374+073838 28  +150 05
    29242 06 024C   0433 E 20130504193301582 16 15 1450347+073723 28  +125 05
    33490 09 001A   0433 E 20130504163933891 16 15 1040481+075842 18  +086 00
    33490 09 001A   0433 E 20130504164006168 16 15 1041204+075818 28  +088 00
    33490 09 001A   0433 E 20130504164036350 16 15 1041507+075755 18  +086 58
    34713 09 017A   0433 E 20130504172117447 16 15 1233290+051919 67  +120 24
    34713 09 017A   0433 E 20130504172416935 16 15 1236290+051919 77  +125 01
    34713 09 017A   0433 E 20130504172355850 16 15 1236080+051919 77  +126 01
    34713 09 017A   0433 E 20130504172325852 16 15 1235379+051919 67  +129 07
    35815 09 047A   0433 E 20130504171329630 16 15 1202411+051704 97  +114 01
    96041 96 541A   0433 E 20130504214911352 16 15 1846043-092543 28  +135 03
    96041 96 541A   0433 E 20130504214838849 16 15 1845307-092616 28  +134 02
    96041 96 541A   0433 E 20130504214803143 16 15 1844538-092655 28  +129 03
    96058 96 558A   0433 E 20130504220859417 16 15 1908573-121417 38  +121 03
    96058 96 558A   0433 E 20130504220818859 16 15 1908176-121513 28  +126 02
    96058 96 558A   0433 E 20130504220700555 16 15 1907009-121714 28  +131 02
    99999 99 999A   0433 E 20130504210757220 16 15 1130050+062517 18  +130 05
    (1) I think this is the first time I have used E for conditions- ie
        excellant. Seeing was best I have ever seen since started taking
        note of the seeing - was about 7.5 arc seconds - not great by
        astronomical standards but certainly good for my location.
    (2) Spent most of the session doing a survey of the Clarke belt from
        about elevation 17 degrees in the east to about 35 degrees in the
        west which has resulted in about 360 measurements in total of about
        150 satellites- have not counted. It is proving quite an exhausting
        and painful task in identifying everything and still far from
        completed :-))
    (3) The purpose of the survey was to try and locate PAN last seen 09 April
        but not found at this position on 29 April,2013. Several possible
        candidates for possible new target were examined but nil found. Peter
        Wakelin did a search as far east as he could go but failed to find it
        so I searched further east and eventually found it next to YAMAL 404
        which had been one of the possible targets checked on 29 April so it
        must still have been busy moving on the 29th April. YAMAL 404 is too
        low for Peter on account of trees and elevation.
    (4) One possible unknown found near AMOS 2 and AMOS 3 -- unfortunately
        one image taken so unable to verify that its real - looks real though!
    (5) Now back to processing the remaining observations which is
        absolute torture especially when one encounters clusters of closely
        grouped satellites which the SPACETRACK catalog does not handle very
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