Meanwhile, here it is the weather that does not cooperate.... - Marco Op 10-5-2012 20:31, Björn Gimle schreef: > IGS 1B is now really difficult at my latitude ;-( > On May 7 I had a (predicted) pass through zenith when Sun was at -4.45 > degrees, and couldn't find it, just Venus. > With SatEvo-computed elset at CalSky for July 22, a pass at the same > solar altitude will be at 10 degrees in the W ! > (actually that pass would be on Jul.26 - on Jul.22 a 56 deg W pass > could be with Sun at -3.1 deg) > A zenithal pass would occur with Sun at -2.5 degrees. > > /Björn _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list
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