SeeSat-L May-11
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Starting: Sun May 01 2011 - 02:37:24 UTC
Ending: Tue May 31 2011 - 22:30:44 UTC
- 2 weeks to ISS Marathon for us in the northern part of the earth
- 2001MAY1.OBS
- 2011APR30.OBS
- 2011MAY 16-17.OBS
- 2011MAY1-2.OBS
- 2011MAY12.OBS
- 2011MAY13.OBS
- 2011MAY14-15.OBS
- 2011MAY18-19.OBS
- 2011MAY2-3.OBS
- 2011MAY20-21
- 2011MAY22-23.OBS
- 2011MAY24-25.OBS
- 2011MAY29-30.OBS
- 2011MAY29.OBS
- 2011MAY3.OBS
- 2011MAY30-31.OBS
- 2011MAY4.OBS
- 2011MAY9.OBS
- 3 May 2011: a SECOND (!) UNID geosat!!!!!
- 3 May 2011: UNID GEOSAT (= PAN???)
- 3 more SBIRS GEO 1 obs
- 4542 05 042A 21 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 13 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 16 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 17 - 19 - 20 MAY 2011
- 4542 SATOBS 22 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 23 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 24 MAY 2011 + correction.
- 4542 SATOBS 25 - 27 MAY 2011.
- 4542 SATOBS 29 - 30 MAY 2011.
- 4641 / 4542 07 - 08 MAY 2011
- 4641 SATOBS 06 MAY 2011.
- [Atmob-discuss] Red fireballs tonight in Bolton?
- [OT] Admin: policy for reporting high resolution ground-based imagery of Earth satellites
- about frame sequences, images use and copyright
- ADMIN: Draft rules for reporting high resolution ground-based imagery of Earth satellites
- ADMIN: Final rules for reporting high resolution ground-based imagery of Earth satellites
- ADMIN: Hi-res imaging reporting rules
- Admin: Passion
- Admin: policy for reporting high resolution ground-based imagery of Earth satellites
- Admin: policy for reporting high resolution ground-based imageryof Earth satellites
- Admin: policy for reporting high resolution ground-basedimagery of Earth satellites
- AEHF 1 recovered by Peter Wakelin
- Ah **** looks like I have another unid
- And I thought if Nanosail D was obseved flashing, means it's rotating
- ANIK E1 flash report
- Another Nanosail D2 flash period deternination
- APT passing by Regulus
- Ariane 5 launch in a few hours
- Attempt at obs for Second Unid
- Awesome pass by Shuttle/ISS
- Back On Track Please!
- Belated Satobs 4160 (BD) 2011-05-24,25
- Bright flash from Oko satellite
- BY Classfd May 1
- BY Classfd May 17
- BY Classfd May 27
- BY Classfd May 29
- BY Classfd May 6
- BY Classfd May 8
- BY Obs May 15
- BY Obs May 22
- BY Obs May 23
- BY Obs Part 2 May 30
- BY PPAS to May 11
- BY UNID Fest May 11
- Calsky offline?
- confirmed flashing by 37482
- Cosmos 1793 doesn't have time left
- COSMOS 2441 flares seen
- DoD paper says we should self censor
- Feng Yun 1C fragments
- Fengyun 1C debris
- Galaxy 11 and Intelsat New Dawn with slooh
- Galaxy 11 flare time
- Galaxy 11 with slooh
- Geosat FO discovered by Russell Eberst
- Good, now I won't have to deal with the first unid
- Help requested identifying mystery object
- I beleive I just got flashes by something in 37482 orbit.
- I think I use the ccd camera tonight
- If anyone lives in Austin Texas = ISS then shuttle across the sun
- Images and flash pattern of Nanosail-D last night
- Images of the two UNID's of May 3 and 4
- Incase anyone lives in Charlotte North Carolina/ other parts of the usa
- Incase anyone lives in Regina Saskatchewan
- Insat 2A, flashing delta debris, flashing globalstar
- Intelsat Reports Antenna Reflector Deployment Delay with New Dawn
- Interview with Ted Molczan, citizen satellite tracker
- Is 07042A 32062 CBERS 2B tumbling?
- ISS across the moon for Area east of Las Angelas, other info for the USA
- ISS and Endeavour
- ISS orbit Boost
- ISS orbit boost on May 29
- ISS orbit on March 6, 2011
- ISS over the sun
- ISS with Zvezda Lira Antenna & ELC-1 Flare
- Japan ends land observing mission after satellite trouble
- Just offering a data point...
- Lacrosse 3 passage video
- last chance to fully receive Ralf Vandebergh's high-res sat images
- looks like lots of people are sat observing = notice on heavens above
- Maclean's magazine has something on X-37B
- Meridian 4 launch in a few hours
- Molniya-1
- My attemp at getting a orbit for the second unid
- NAHUEL 1A ppas report
- Nanosail compared to Airy Discs Stars
- NANOSAIL D-2 high res observations, May 22
- Nanosail high-res OBS_ April 24
- Nanosail-D bright and flashing again
- Nanosail-D color development research
- Nanosail-D high res OBS, April 24 final processing
- Nanosail-D nice bright flashing pass
- Nanosail-D observations last night
- Nanosail-D pass May 26 (May 25 UTC)
- Nanosail-D, april 24 additional image
- Nanosail-D2 10062L 37361 flash observation 2011-05-29
- Nanosail-D2 2010-062L 37361 another bright transit with flashes
- Nanosail-D2 April 24, processing-set
- Nanosail-D2 best color result
- Nanosail-D2 high res color result
- Nanosail-D2, April 24 last image of session
- Nanosail-D2_ additional animations
- NASA mission analysis freeware
- Need Help - Bright Double Flare over São Paulo city, Brazil
- Need Help - Bright Double Flare over São Paulo city, Brazil
- New Objects in Orbit
- New report on US space surveilannce matters
- Nice flashing 2010-062L 37361 Nanosail-D2
- Nice flashing glonass satellite
- Nice video showing Anik F1-R antenna = good reflector of light
- No No No I don't want to see you = possible UNID
- Noss 3-5 obs through cloudy skies obs
- NOSS 3-5 post-manoeuvre elements
- Obs 2011 May 1
- OFF topic - Willard Boyle has passed away = CCD chip
- Oh YA you are sending lots of light towards the slooh scope :)
- one final paper on Image Fusion and Superresolution
- One of two reflectors opened on Intelsat New Dawn
- one SBIRS GEO 1 obs
- Optical 09 May 2011
- OT: Shuttle launch picture taken from airplane
- OTV 2-1 obs
- Out-of-this-world photo op approved for space station
- PASS of 78701 unid
- Possible observation og 07053A 32283 SAR Lupe 3
- Progress M-10M rocket tumbling (HR) observation
- proton launched meationed during speech by arienespace
- RAE tables updated
- re :Video of April 23rd re-entry (01-014B?), Brasil
- reporting high-res observations
- resoluton of observable objects, camera color balance
- resoluton of observable objects, camera color balance, observing satellites is fun (or maybe just addictive)
- Russell Eberst's UNID of 2011 May 17
- SARSAT 11 (METOP-A) flares
- SATOBS 2011 May 03
- SATOBS 2011 May 08
- SATOBS 2011 May 10
- SATOBS 2011 May 12
- SATOBS 2011 May 22
- SATOBS 2011 May 24-25
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2011-05-29, -30
- SatObs BD (4160) 2011-04-30 and 2011-05-01
- Satobs BD (4160) 2011-05-02 and 2011-05-03
- Satobs BD (4160) 2011-05-02 and 2011-05-03 part 2 (PPAS/PNAS)
- Satobs BD (4160) 2011-05-04 part 1
- SatObs BD (4160) 2011-05-04 part 2 (PPAS & PNAS)
- Satobs May 2 at 8597
- Satobs May 31 2011 at 8597
- Satobs May 5 2011 at 8597
- Satobs May 5 2011 at 8597 correction
- Satobs May 9 2011 at 8597
- SATOBS ML (4353), 24 May 2011 (Pt. I): Nanosail-D
- SATOBS ML (4353), 24 May 2011 (Pt. II): USA 161, USA 224
- SATOBS ML (4353), 3 May 2011 (Pt. I): USA 186, Mentor 2
- SATOBS ML (4353), 3 May 2011 (Pt. II): USA 227, MSX, Mentor 4
- SATOBS ML (4353), 4 May 2011 (Pt. I): 4th May obs of 3 May UNID II
- SATOBS ML (4353), 4 May 2011 (Pt. II): IGS 1B, Mentor 4
- SATOBS ML (4353), 7 May 2011: USA 161
- SATOBS ML (4353), 9 May 2011: PAN, Mentor 4
- SATOBS ML (4353),20 & 21 May 2011: IGS 1B, Lacrosse 4
- SBIRS 1 flashes = BY Classfd May 8
- SBIRS GEO 1 elements
- SBIRS GEO 1 launch on May 6
- SBIRS GEO 1 pre-launch elements
- seeing-animation of frames of 10-09-05 USA-129
- Shuttle and ISS seen in a cloudy sky
- sky chart with satellites
- Slightly OT: Space Journal
- Slooh view of Galaxy 11 flare
- Solar panel fails to deploy on Telstar 14R satellite
- Space Police - article in macleans magazine on website
- ST2 and GSAT 8 in orbit
- still image of SBIRS from video
- Stringent Rules
- STS 134 and ISS observed post final separation burn
- STS-134
- STS-134 STORRM Data Unit Failure
- Tecsar
- Telstar 14R launch in a few hours
- Title 17 US Code section 107
- TJM obs of 2011 May 21 UTC; NOSS 3-5 elements
- TML obs of 2011 May 10 UTC
- TML obs of 2011 May 11 UTC
- TML obs of 2011 May 31 UTC
- U.S. Army Wants Tiny Satellites as Orbital Spies
- Unknown Object
- Unsubscribe
- unsubscribe bye
- Updated elements
- Updated elements of UNID from 2010-062 launch
- Updated elements)
- Updated NanoSail-D elements; rapid flashing observed
- USA 129
- USA 129 flare
- USA 161
- USA 161 flares
- USA 186 flares
- USA 186 post-manoeuvre observation and elements
- USA 224 (NROL-49)
- USA 224 flares
- USA 229, NROL-34 (NOSS 3 - 5)
- USA-129-KH perigee pass 09/10 high-res image
- USA-186-KH perhihelium pass
- Video of April 23rd re-entry (01-014B?)
- Video of April 23rd re-entry (01-014B?), Brasil
- Video of shuttle and then ISS passing by those stars
- Viewing circumstances for Endeavour & ISS
- What everyone suffering from Cloudahcitius
- What's the purpose of this list?
- WhatSat Satellite Explorer app
- Why is ISS still visible in Earth's shadow?
- WIRE satellite to be toast in a few days
- X-37B (OTV 2-1, USA 226)
- X-37B Mission
Last message date: Tue May 31 2011 - 22:30:44 UTC
Archived on: Tue May 31 2011 - 22:30:44 UTC
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: Tue May 31 2011 - 22:30:44 UTC