Updated elements

From: Ted Molczan (ssl3molcz@rogers.com)
Date: Mon May 09 2011 - 16:14:47 UTC

  • Next message: Robert Holdsworth: "Re: WIRE satellite to be toast in a few days"

    Marco Langbroek and Peter Wakelin contributed observations used to produce the following elements:
    PAN                                                  35774 X 35803 km
    1 35815U 09047A   11128.09151894  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    05
    2 35815   0.0399 311.5184 0003453  20.9486 330.9328  1.00270000    00
    Arc 20110508.91-0508.94 WRMS resid 0.004 totl 0.003 xtrk
    The mean motion of PAN is a guess. It does seem to be settling down near 45 E.
    Within the past hour or so, an official TLE of GSat 2 / 03018A / 27807 has appeared on Space Track (epoch 11129.00),
    which closely matches our orbit of 11623A, confirming that that they are one and the same. I suspect that 03018A is not
    being relocated, but is in its disposal orbit. The following orbit is my fit to the observations reported by Marco and
    Peter as 11623A, with the correct identity.
    GSAT 2                                               35849 X 35966 km
    1 27807U 03018A   11128.47686134  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    01
    2 27807   0.4106  78.8688 0013769 239.2227 119.5739  0.99846425    07
    Arc 20110503.88-0508.93 WRMS resid 0.003 totl 0.003 xtrk
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

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