SATOBS ML (4353), 25 May 2010 (Pt. II): Milstar 5 (+ Galaxy 11)

From: Marco Langbroek (
Date: Wed May 26 2010 - 13:27:40 UTC

  • Next message: Randy John: "RE: some nice sightings"

    Obs SatTrackCam Leiden (Cospar 4353):
    Milstar 5:
    27168 02 001A   4353 F 20100525220302300 17 75 1625384-084170 56
    27168 02 001A   4353 F 20100525221002300 17 75 1632389-085230 56
    27168 02 001A   4353 F 20100525221802300 17 75 1640384-086420 56
    27168 02 001A   4353 F 20100525222402300 17 75 1646401-087310 56
    Galaxy 11:
    26038 99 071A   4353 F 20100525220302300 17 75 1638086-073610 56
    26038 99 071A   4353 F 20100525221002300 17 75 1645098-073620 56
    26038 99 071A   4353 F 20100525221802300 17 75 1653106-073610 56
    26038 99 071A   4353 F 20100525222402300 17 75 1659120-073620 56
    Canon EOS 450D + EF 50/2.5 Macro @ 2.8, 800 ISO + ASTRORECORD astrometric
    What these numbers mean:
    The non-classified geosat 99-071A (Galaxy 11) again flared to naked-eye (maybe 
    mag. +3, +3.5) near 22:18 UTC. Classified object 02-001A (Milstar 5) is visible 
    on the same images as a fainter object slowly moving southward in declination.
    Streaks of cirrus and moonlight foged the images but both objects were no 
    problem. Thuraya 2 was captured on some images in the series as well.
    - Marco
    Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.
    Cospar 4353 (Leiden):   52.15412 N, 4.49081 E (WGS84), +0 m ASL
    Cospar 4354 (De Wilck): 52.11685 N, 4.56016 E (WGS84), -2 m ASL
    Station (b)log:
    Seesat-l mailing list

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