Hi! Can someone help me in identifiyng the following objects (I don't like the OIG names): 03-015B 27776 Block DM-2M 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M GIK-5 Baikonur, LC81 PU-24 03-015C 27777 Platform 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M GIK-5 Baikonur, LC81 PU-24 03-015D 27778 Aux motor 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M GIK-5 Baikonur, LC81 PU-24 03-015E 27779 Aux motor 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M GIK-5 Baikonur, LC81 PU-24 03-015F 27780 SL-12 RB (2) 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M GIK-5 Baikonur, LC81 PU-24 My question is what's the meaning of 'Platform', 'aux motor' and also de 'SL-12 RB (2)'. Are the aux motors something like 'kick motors' on the satellite? Also, I thought that on the 8K82K Proton-K DM-2M launches, only the Block DM-2M was the only stage of the rocket to reach Earth orbit, and if so what is the SL-12 RB (2)? Thank you for any help on this! Rui C. Barbosa - Braga - Portugal ___________________________________________ NetCabo, o líder da Banda Larga em Portugal ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from SeeSat-L, send a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@satobs.org List archived at http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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