Fwd: Re: identification help

From: Tony Beresford (aberesford@iprimus.com.au)
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 09:54:51 EDT

  • Next message: John Locker: "Re: [dsat] Resurs 1-3 Solar transit"

    >At 15:44 12/05/03, you wrote:
    >>Greetings fellow sat observers.  I need some help with a satellite
    >>identification.  All of my software tools are out of commission at the
    >>moment, but I'm really curious as to what I saw.
    >>My location is 48.442 N, 122.316 W.
    >>Time was approx May 12, 05:45 UTC when it passed just to the west of
    >>Polaris.  The sat was traveling S to N, on a very high altitude pass.  
    >>I'd say at least 75 degrees, maybe more since I didn't catch it until late 
    >>in the pass.
    >>It was a very irregular flasher, flaring to probably -2 a few times, but 
    >>with no pattern that I could see.  I lost it several times due to washout 
    >>from the moon.
    the only suspect I get within + or - 2 minutes and 4 degrees , and going in the observed
    direction, using the latest Alldat.tle is 2002 56 D, #27600,
    called lab microsat. This is a small satellite launched last year
    as extra payloads along with the adeos II satellite, and a small australian satellite.
     I am surprised at your brightness report however. Also Heavens-.above has 2002 56D passing
    about 0.5 degrees east of polaris, not west as you report.
    Tony Beresford
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