Re: first posting

From: Larry (
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 05:38:45 EDT

  • Next message: Bjorn Gimle: "Re: first posting"

    The satellite you saw was likely 76067AH. It was traveling from NW to SE.
    Time of crossing 23:40:55 ADT
    Its track shows it passing about 10 further to the east but there are a
    couple of things that could account for the error.
    Each of its orbits take 115.7 minutes  or about 10 in 19 seconds which
    matches your estimated time for crossing your FOV of just less than 10.
    There were a couple of other satellite closer to your exact position but
    they were moving much slower and they were heading straight east. They would
    have taken 2 minutes to go from 62 Leonis to NGC 3521.
    Larry Wood
    W113.565   N53.558
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "paul heath" <>
    To: "SeeSat-L SATELLITES" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 9:27 PM
    Subject: first posting
    > Hello,
    > I am an amateur with the Halifax Centre of the RASC. Most of my observing
    > has been done at our clubs observatory near St. Croix, Nova
    > Scotia, Canada.
    > During an observing session on May 03/03,  I observed a tumbling satellite
    > slowly pass through the field of view. None of the other observers present
    > had ever seen a tumbling satellite before. This has prompted me to attempt
    > to find out which satellite it was that I saw.
    > The satellite passed NE to SE between NGC 3521 and the star 62 Leo.It
    > flashed every 1/2 second and took about 20-30 seconds to cross the field.
    > Based on the stars drawn in the field I would estimate the magnitude of
    > satellite to be about 7.0.  I was using an f 5.6 - 10" dob with a 15 mm
    > plossal eye piece. The satellite was seen between 23:41 and 23:43 ADT
    > (UT-3hr). Our observatory is located at LAT 44 56 53.2 N , LONG 64 02 27.4
    > W.
    > I hope that this is enough information to determine which satellite it was
    > that we observed.
    > Paul Heath
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