Help please Cosmos solar transit

From: satcom (
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 14:22:49 EDT

  • Next message: paul: "transit news"

    Hi everyone...
    I have been messing around today with a 200mm lens , webcam and solar filter
    ready for the Mercury transit on the 7th.
    As the sky cleared this evening I decided to test it out on the sun , and
    noticed from Kalsky that a solar transit was due , by a Cosmos  rocket.
    I really didnt think that the 200mm lens would pick this up , but ran a 900
    mb AVI anyway , a couple of minutes either side of the due time.
    At precisely the right time , a tiny dot flicked on the disk of the sun.I
    thought it was a hot pixel , so ignored it.However on thecking the AVI frame
    by frame , the object appears in two frames , crossing from near centre to
    upper right limb.
    Kalsky indicated the following....
    Cosmos 2360 Rocket
    (25407 1998-45-B)
    Crosses the disk of Sun. Separation:0.24d
    Angular Velocity:10.8'/s.  Transit duration: 1.17s
    Angular diameter: 1.2"  cylindrical, 10.4m x 3.9m
    Direction towards center line: 21.64km, az:102.9d ESE
    az: 271.9d W  h:  19.2    dist: 1897.7km mag=17.3m
    So , my question.....
    Could I have caught the object ?
    As a temporary measure I have placed the image at the top of my webpage  , and would appreciate comments regarding
    the validity of the "catch"
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