One way would be to use a tool like stellarium. I see that you have the object location, but if you don't you can use astrometry to determine your field of view; online astrometry at or you can install it locally. Once you know where you were, where you were looking, and what time, load up some TLE databases (from celestrak,, space-track, this group, trusat,...) into stellarium, turn on satellite display, set the display time to your image time, and see what shows up in the field of view. I'm sure there's a better way, which I look forward to learning about. On Wed, Mar 31, 2021, 02:19 Gianluca Masi via Seesat-l <> wrote: > Hi All, > > very often, when doing CCD images of the sky with my telescopes, I record > a > satellite trail and I was wondering how I can find the ID of that > satellite. > > I have the location coords, time and coordinates of the object (RA and > declination). > > I would be very grateful for your inputs. > > Thank you very much in advance, > > Gianluca > _______________________________________________ > Seesat-l mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list on Wed Mar 31 2021 - 13:38:32 UTC
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