Op 30-3-2021 om 00:34 schreef Sergei Schmalz via Seesat-l: > Hello Marco, > > the brighter one is Intelsat-1002, it's always at least 1 mag brighter > than MEV-2 at any phase angle. I've done a lot of photometry for the > both before they came closer and during the docking attempt. I reckoned as much, as I would suspect that the brighter one is Intelsat 10-02. So 18 SPCS indeed did inadvertently switch the ID's it seems. My blogpost now features an updated image with the ID's as they (apparently) should be: https://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2021/03/cosmic-ballet-approach-of-mev-2-and.html - Marco ----- Dr Marco Langbroek - SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands. e-mail: sattrackcam_at_langbroek.org launchtower: http://launchtower.langbroek.org Station (b)log: http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com Twitter: _at_Marco_Langbroek ----- _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Tue Mar 30 2021 - 07:52:22 UTC
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