Re: Starlink V1.0-21 Observations (Falcon, CO USA)

From: ronlee--- via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 06:17:12 -0600
This morning's observation was a pass at 1134 UT on
18 March 2021 (5:34 AM MDT local).   Using 7x50 binoculars,
I picked up the procession at azimuth 10 degrees, elevation
20 degrees.  Groundtrack was to the northeast and to me they
moved mostly right and down.

They were a near uniform brightness around magnitude 4 so it
made for a nice pass.

This time I used a stopwatch and got the passage duration at
1 min, 58.2 seconds for 59 satellites.  Unknown if 59 was a
counting error but will assume that is the reason.

When I came in I compared that 118.2 seconds to the prediction
interval from was 110 seconds.  Given
element age and post elset maneuvers, H-A times appear to be
useful to predict the approximate passage duration.

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Received on Thu Mar 18 2021 - 07:17:56 UTC

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