I just observed the satellites two hours after launch at 11:37 UT, 4 March 2021. The pass was descending to the northeast around azimuth 26 degrees, elevation 12 degrees. They spanned about 5-10 arc minutes and were brighter than the passes I observed of the previous launch. They probably would have been visible without binoculars but I did not have time to verify that before they passed behind low elevation clouds. One object made a short flash. Thanks to De Kelso for providing prelaunch elsets and Chris Peat (heavens-above.com) for having them on his website to generate pass information. _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Thu Mar 04 2021 - 05:54:43 UTC
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