Leo Barhorst observed two unknowns. The March 12th unknown correlates with NOSS 7 (A) [16591/86014A], last seen 332 days ago. His unknown from the evening of March 21 is USA 129 [24680/96072A], seen on the identical pass as Marco Langbroek's recovery observations. 16591 86 014A 4172 G 20140312203135544 17 25 2312832+561119 37 S 16591 86 014A 4172 G 20140312203144246 17 25 2256026+574663 37 S 16591 86 014A 4172 G 20140312203150417 17 25 2242980+584874 37 S 24680 96 072A 4172 G 20140321200218177 17 25 1919618+742183 37 S 24680 96 072A 4172 G 20140321200219641 17 25 1927463+734672 37 S 24680 96 072A 4172 G 20140321200221634 17 25 1936289+730035 37 S 24680 96 072A 4172 G 20140321200224314 17 25 1946858+715799 37 S 24680 96 072A 4172 G 20140321200227200 17 25 1956433+705315 37 S Regards, Cees _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Sat Mar 22 2014 - 07:43:46 UTC
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