ISS but no ATV

From: Matt Bartley (
Date: Sat Mar 29 2008 - 15:51:32 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "ATV nice and close to the ISS tonight"

    I watched the twilight sky from Newport Beach, CA last night.  I'm  
    guessing because of the twilight, limiting magnitude around Cepheus  
    was around 3, even with binoculars.
    ISS was easy to see, even at only 20 degrees elevation in twilight.   
    It went past Cepheus around Mar. 29 14:40 UTC, as predicted.  I  
    watched its track across the sky for several minutes but didn't see  
    anything other than a high altitude airplane.
    Heavens-above predicted ATV would be about 3 minutes behind ISS.  A  
    preliminary ATV rendezvous timeline on says it  
    should have been 3 or 4 seconds behind ISS.  Was it already too close  
    to ISS to resolve?  The timeline says it doesn't get that close until  
    tonight.  Or was it too faint for the conditions?
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