BY Obs Mar 25-26

From: Brad Young (
Date: Fri Mar 28 2008 - 02:19:47 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Re: Metop A Flare Question (and Soyuz by the ISS??)"

    Recent obs:
    21949 92 023A   8336 F 20080325020518190 17 25 1136712+334615 48 S
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    21949 92 023A   8336 F 20080325020547900 17 25 1115912+225201 38 S
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    83- 22 A 08-03-25 01:20:14   BY   86.2 0.5   8 10.8   A 4->6
    01- 23 B 08-03-25 01:26:36   BY  178.3 2.0   3 59     A 5->8
    06- 59 B 08-03-25 02:03:12   BY  213.9 0.4  24  8.91  F'FF 5->inv
    08-  8 A 08-03-26 01:33:58   BY                       S 1
    08-  9 A 08-03-26 01:38:59   BY                       Flare -2
    98- 72 C 08-03-26 01:59:22   BY  195.0 0.5   7 27.9   A 6->inv
    84- 62 A 08-03-26 02:09:38   BY                       S 9
    70-108 A 08-03-26 02:22:54   BY                       Flare +5
    82- 24 A 08-03-26 02:36:18   BY                       S 8
    07- 62 B 08-03-26 02:53:17   BY                       S 7
    COSPAR 8336 +36.1397, -95.9838, 201 m
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