RE: Derek's first Observations - DCB Mar24 Obs

From: Derek C Breit (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2008 - 20:14:28 UTC

  • Next message: Alberto Rango: "4641 PPAS 07 - 08 MAY 2007."

    Cool!... I did one of these with the 12" LX200 and one with the 90mm.. Now
    that I know I can do it with the 90mm, I am keen to do more.. Of course I
    have a meeting tonight and school, so tomorrow night is my next night..
    As I told Ted in a separate email, where I sent the file he requested, I had
    entered an observation and then discovered the ability to measure from a
    camera.. Then I found my default position was not as accurate as I have it
    from Occultations..
    Etc.. I have deleted and redone the Obs twice already..
    Is there a way to edit observations in ObsReduce??
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ted Molczan [] 
    Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:36 PM
    Subject: RE: Derek's first Observations - DCB Mar24 Obs
    Derek Breit wrote: 
    > 21574 91 050A   0000 G 20080324031032910 17 25 1102390+614289 37 S
    > 29499 06 044A   0000 G 20080324044221181 85 25 1516693+715228 37 S
    > 0 38.017406 122.140297 14
    > Please critique...
    Congratulations on your first positional observations.
    Comparing against elements less than 12 h old, reveals the following
                                       Total     Time    xtrack      RA
    Object      Date         UTC        deg       s       deg       deg
    91050A  2008  3 24  03:10:32.91   0.2464   0.1348   0.2406    0.4542
    06044A  2008  3 24  04:42:21.181  0.0300   0.1067   0.0126   -0.0193
    A good first effort, especially 06044A.
    Your 06044A cross-track residual of 0.01 deg is excellent, similar to that
    routinely achieved by the best observers.
    Your 91055A obs has a large cross-track error. If you will e-mail me your
    ObsReduce details file (i.e. the *.det file), and if possible the video
    frame you reduced, I may be able to spot the problem.
    Ted Molczan
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