Derek Breit wrote: > 21574 91 050A 0000 G 20080324031032910 17 25 1102390+614289 37 S > 29499 06 044A 0000 G 20080324044221181 85 25 1516693+715228 37 S > > 0 38.017406 122.140297 14 > > Please critique... Congratulations on your first positional observations. Comparing against elements less than 12 h old, reveals the following residuals: Residuals -------------------------------------------- Total Time xtrack RA Dec Object Date UTC deg s deg deg deg 91050A 2008 3 24 03:10:32.91 0.2464 0.1348 0.2406 0.4542 -0.1112 06044A 2008 3 24 04:42:21.181 0.0300 0.1067 0.0126 -0.0193 0.0096 A good first effort, especially 06044A. Your 06044A cross-track residual of 0.01 deg is excellent, similar to that routinely achieved by the best observers. Your 91055A obs has a large cross-track error. If you will e-mail me your ObsReduce details file (i.e. the *.det file), and if possible the video frame you reduced, I may be able to spot the problem. Ted Molczan ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive:
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