BY Obs Mar 10

From: Brad Young (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 17:32:03 UTC

  • Next message: Alberto Rango: "4641 PPAS 27 FEB 2008."

    32374 (07-58B) Breeze tank was quite nice 1X from Orion to Ursa Major.
    13845 83 008F   8336 G 20080310012356330 17 25 0433551+180100 37 S
    13845 83 008F   8336 G 20080310012406090 17 25 0442184+240111 87 S
    13845 83 008F   8336 G 20080310012453580 17 25 0558097+553538 18 S
    28095 03 054A   8336 G 20080310015122330 17 25 0454143+314554 48 S
    28095 03 054A   8336 G 20080310015252500 17 25 0613032+073206 37 S
    28097 03 054C   8336 G 20080310015209830 17 25 0537645+210856 37 S
    28097 03 054C   8336 G 20080310015303000 17 25 0618806+064352 37 S
    06- 48 B 08-03-10 01:21:47   BY                       sv 6->7 Note 1
    06- 15 B 08-03-10 01:59:21   BY  131.9                S 6 priority 2 object
    04-  3 B 08-03-10 02:12:34   BY  126.2 5.0   4 32     M 7->inv
    07- 58 B 08-03-10 02:16:46   BY                       S 3 1X
    95- 27 B 08-03-10 02:20:44   BY  162.7 0.5   7 23.2   A'A -> A 6->8 Note 2
    06- 59 B 08-03-10 02:25:08   BY  120.7 0.4   7 17.2   F'F 4->inv Note 3
    88- 76 D 08-03-10 02:30:31   BY                       S 5 Note 5
    96- 20 B 08-03-10 02:37:42   BY   71.8 0.3  13  5.52  F'A' 7->inv Note 4
    1) I can see slight flashes but cannot discern period. Looked to still be
    about 2s.
    2) Pairs of max's segued into one longer max.
    3) Pairs of flashes separated by about 6s.
    4) F' was really an A max with sharp flash and immediate disappearance.
    5) Seemed to rising to a max - then shadow. I need to look again.
    Brad Young
    TULSA 1
    COSPAR 8336
    36.1397N, 95.9838W, 205m ASL
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