Re: orbit for ATV on space track

From: B Gimle @ComHem (@ComHem)
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 13:46:11 UTC

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2008 March 09"

    The times given have a constant difference,
    except the last one, 13:07:57 10-MAR-08
    which shows a 4s increase in period.
    However, elsets from the last 6 h or so
    still show MM=16.039, not consistent with the plan given.
    Changing MM to 15.93573800 matches the 90:17 nodal period,
    but even if this MM decrease was achieved on time, it would not 
    retrieve the 7 min early transits that are already present.
    This MM diff, if it has happened, amounts to 9m/day, so unless
    you get newer elsets from SpaceTrack, you may want to
    experiment with that MM in their recent 08070.11692042 elset.
    (USA 193 debris is up to #32685 057FL)
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