8539 obs March 10

From: Steve Newcomb (snewcomb88@comcast.net)
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 03:14:39 UTC

  • Next message: Steve Newcomb: "SKYMAP and XP"

    28095 03 054A   8539 G 20080310000255690 17 25 0736023+321028 38
    28095 03 054A   8539 G 20080310000315590 17 25 0745671+260170 38
    28095 03 054A   8539 G 20080310000338980 17 25 0755044+191529 38
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000353360 17 25 0800939+172061 38
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000358590 17 25 0802669+155524 18
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000428320 17 25 0811730+084088 38
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000436430 17 25 0813973+065107 38
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000449000 17 25 0817211+041207 38
    28097 03 054C   8539 G 20080310000504730 17 25 0821110+010516 38
    28095 03 054A   8539 G 20080310000519210 17 25 0823582-025599 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001307190 17 25 0522977-075285 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001328690 17 25 0512666-013298 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001404860 17 25 0451352+110524 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001440930 17 25 0422408+253591 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001519980 17 25 0339151+412140 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001528110 17 25 0328057+442007 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001728250 17 25 2330501+642438 38
    25991 99 067A   8539 G 20080310001758960 17 25 2237399+634893 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005651320 17 25 0743686+281197 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005707610 17 25 0759254+335213 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005745930 17 25 0845399+461025 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005754190 17 25 0857330+482869 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005830980 17 25 0959395+565261 38
    05681 71 110D   8539 G 20080310005927710 17 25 1152998+624932 38
    The point on 28097 reported with a greater degree of positional accuracy was 
    between 2 stars .035 degree apart.
    Points on 05681 were close to 6 seconds late on  08030.21548516 elset.
    I'm having difficulty reducing 2 points on 13874. I will report later if I 
    can resolve.
    13172 observed at my starting point 1 degree above beta Auriga but I was not 
    able to keep up with it.
    All obs with 8 inch dobs.
    Skies clear for a change. Cold 20F
    Lat 39.4707 Lon. -79.3388 Alt. 2753 ft. -4 UTC
    What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html 
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Mar 10 2008 - 03:13:26 UTC