Re: orbit for ATV on space track

From: Marco Langbroek (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2008 - 17:44:21 UTC

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "2008MAR8-9.OBS"

    Kevin Fetter schreef:
    > There's 2 objects listed.
    > Object A - 32686
    > Object B - 32687
    > I assume Object B is the ATV, as it's in a higher orbit.
    Looking at the eccentricity values, and the different sets of tle now available, 
    I rather think Object A is the ATV.
    - Marco
    Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.
    Cospar 4353 (Leiden):   52.15412 N, 4.49081 E (WGS84), +0 m ASL
    Cospar 4354 (De Wilck): 52.11685 N, 4.56016 E (WGS84), -2 m ASL
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