Hi all Although answers requested off line I think enough people have problems running SKYMAP66 that the answer should be available to all. I installed it a long time ago on XP Prof. I now start it with a file call SKYMAP.BAT ( straight ascii text) which has the following two lines only: ansi.com skymap.exe Clicking on the SKYMAP.BAT icon it immediately goes into the correct display and at the top of the screen is displayed c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe For those that dont know : cmd.exe replaces the dos command COMMAND.COM I also have a DOS.BAT in my C root directory which has cmd.exe only in it, so this is perhaps how the cmd.exe comes into the program. Im not sure how it is activated by SKYMAP but I use the DOS.BAT version frequently when running old dos software. There is another way that I vaguely recall where one can run difficult programs in "windows98 compatability mode" but the command escapes me.. could find it if pressured... Not the full answer perhaps that is wanted but perhaps a clue how to do it - anyway SKYMAP66 can and does run under WIN XP -- Im sure Bjorn will be able to elaborate more. Cheers Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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