shuttle predicted orbits released and ISS orbit boost on Mar 17

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Sat Mar 08 2008 - 01:10:56 UTC

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "RE: ATV 1 pre-launch elements"

    The predicted orbits for the upcoming shuttle mission, have been released
    They will raise the orbit of the ISS, on Mar 17.
    Maneuvers contained within the current ephemeris are as follows:
       IMPULSIVE TIG (GMT)   M50 DVx(FPS)      LVLH DVx(FPS)      DVmag(FPS) 
       IMPULSIVE TIG (MET)   M50 DVy(FPS)      LVLH DVy(FPS)      Invar Sph HA
       DT                    M50 DVz(FPS)      LVLH DVz(FPS)      Invar Sph HP 
       077/02:55:34.912          -0.4               0.8              0.8    
       N/A                       -0.3              -0.0              186.1  
       000/00:05:09.824           0.7              -0.1              180.9  
    Predicted orbit before orbit raised
    1 25544U 98067A   08076.55089515  .00020000  00000-0  20000-3 0  9097
    2 25544  51.6374 133.9241 0001442 271.2134  88.8865 15.76423956 13917
    Predicted orbit before orbit raised
    1 25544U 98067A   08077.18481792  .00020000  00000-0  20000-3 0  9102
    2 25544  51.6346 130.6544 0001850 296.9494  63.1481 15.76282470 14018
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