Obs Jun 30

From: Leo Barhorst (leobarhorst@zonnet.nl)
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 17:22:00 PDT

  • Next message: Ron Lee: "ICO F2 Centaur Rkt Obs, 24 Jun 01"

    A short period of almost cloudless sky.
    At 23:25 UT more cirrus clouds came in.
    80- 87 B 01-06-30 22:04:38   LB  192.2 0.2  18 10.68  FF, 5->i
    Some flashes very faint to invisible. Timings: 10.68 10.62 10.96
    10.32 10.71 10.61 10.64 32.14 10.42 42.83 32.28 sec.
    83- 31 B 01-06-30 21:49      LB                       S, 5
    87- 49 B 01-06-30 22:49:56   LB  140.2 0.5   4 35.0   AA, 4->i
    87- 57 B 01-06-30 22:10      LB                       lp, var 5->i
    90-  4 B 01-06-30 23:08      LB                       almost S, 5
    97- 28 C 01-06-30 23:13      LB                       almost S, 6
    99- 22 A 01-06-30 22:15      LB                       S, 5
    99- 22 C 01-06-30 22:43:42   LB  160.0 0.5  14 11.43  AA, 4->6
    Timings: 13.14 10.42 11.65 10.73 11.83 11.43 22.93 12.02 11.07
    10.19 11.77 10.86 11.99 sec.
    99- 29 C 01-06-30 22:37      LB                       S, 6
    99- 37 E 01-06-30 22:53      LB                       S, 6
    Greetings and clear, dark skies
    Leo Barhorst Medemblik                     515 obs in 2001
    52.767 N  5.09 E  2 m ASL            11530 obs in PPAS
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Jun 30 2001 - 17:19:59 PDT