obs 29jun 01180.1

From: Paul Gabriel (gabriel305@earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 21:52:08 PDT

  • Next message: Anthony Ayiomamitis: "Re: OT: Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) observed"

    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010629031255728 56 25 1904045+125512 67 S+055 05       
    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010629031348358 56 25 1918150+271916 67 S+055 05       
    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010629031359258 56 25 1921927+302061 37 S+055 05       
    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010629031420978 56 25 1930315+361570 67 S+055 05       
    sky was very clear tonight!
    perfect except for .607 il moon.
    Paul Gabriel
    26.24310N 098.21635W 34.8m 
    the stars at night are big & bright......
    titanp150 / win95C / calypso
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