confirming satellite activity

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 00:52:54 PDT

  • Next message: Jim McManus: "McManus Obs 27 June 2001"

    The recent report by Terry Pundiak <> , and my own efforts
    to trace a moving cloud seen quite widely in my part of the world
    on February 20,2001 makes one realize that one needs contact with
    the people who control existing and future satellite constellations.
    As well as satisfying my own curiousity, I think the general public
    who see the phenomena resulting from satellite activity have some
    explanation of what they see. If only to counter "UFO == aliens"
    interest groups.
     I would appreciate if anybody from these organizations could contact
    me privately  ( ), or publicly
    Tony Beresford
    Adelaide, So. Australia
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