twin Iridium flare

From: Jim Sebolt (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 18:05:27 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Gabriel: "obs 27jun 01178.1"

    Spectacular twin Iridium flare early this morning despite broken clouds.
    Two sats on same track spaced timewise about 8 seconds apart.
    Latitude:  42.06722  Longitude:  -72.59833  Altitude:    66.0 ft
    Time Zone: UTC  -4.0 h
           Local     Local    Iridium         Sun    Flare   Maximum Flare  Ird
    Day    Date      Time   Azm El Rnge N I Azm Elv MMA Mag Latit.  Longit.  #  S
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:00 151 37  675 A L  23 -20  F   2  41.219  -72.261 77  ?
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:15 147 41  633 A L  23 -20  F  -1     19.1 mi E    77  ?
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:28 143 45  600 A L  23 -20  F   2  42.579  -72.206 77  ?
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:06 153 37  741 A L  23 -20  F   2  41.224  -72.580 39   
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:23 149 41  691 A L  23 -20  F  -7      3.2 mi E    39   
    Tue 2001- 6-26  2:26:40 144 45  650 A L  23 -20  F   2  42.799  -72.501 39   
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