Re: odd sight... fuel dump? of what?

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 21:24:56 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan T Wojack: "Re: Mir and the good old days"

    At 12:11 26/06/01 , Terry Pundiak wrote:
    in part
    >This evening at 9:16 EDT a group of us were watching a few astronomy objects
    >near Allentown, PA's (lat 40.6, long -75.5) Lehigh Valley International
    >Airport, when an odd sight was seen 30 degrees in the south.  Particularly
    >weird was I was just starting on my story about a UFO I had seen several
    >years ago (which was easily identified through a telescope as two large
    >planes in the act of refueling quit neat) At that moment what we saw was
    >really strange.  At first it was surely an airplane shining its landing
    >lights as if it were flying to the right in a fog so as to see its diverging
    >Could this have been a fuel dump?  Was it too large? Were any new rockets up
    >there this evening?
    There were no scheduled launches today or yesterday Terry.
    I suggest you saw a short rocket burn, from a member of one of several
    constellations of LEO satellites, Iridium, globalstar, orbicom.
    Tony Beresford
    Adelaide, So. Australia
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