obs 21 jun 01172.1

From: Paul Gabriel (gabriel305@earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 22:33:16 PDT

  • Next message: Ed Cannon: "NOAA 7, FltSatCom 1 Rk, NOSS 2-1 & NOSS 2-3"

    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010621040718435 17 25 1419240+190436 28 S+050 05       
    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010621040809435 17 25 1346448+383261 28 S+055 05       
    24680 96 072A   8305 G 20010621041012585 17 25 1120492+670287 28 S+065 05       
    2 clear nights in a row !!
    also saw ISS first time in many months!  easily bright, came
    up in NW ~0326z, spotted it at tree top level ~10 elev and 
    watched it climb 1x to eclipse vicinity of big dipper.
    ref 3 usa 129 pts above, somewhere between 2 & 3, unknown (to me) 
    N-S trak sat serendipity do_dah, but I was too busy holding my
    mount together to push the magic button.
    Paul Gabriel
    26.24310N 098.21635W 34.8m 
    the stars at night are big & bright......
    titanp150 / win95C / calypso
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