Anyone tried these binoculars?

From: Ed Cannon (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 01:42:35 PDT

  • Next message: Antonín Vítek: "Re: Possibly "silly" questions"

    I came across a Web site that has 8x60 and 9x60 binoculars for 
    US$109, and I wonder if anyone has any experience with them:

    I've sent them a question as to why their exit pupil diameter
    numbers for the 8x60s and 9x60s don't follow the standard 
    formula of "objective mm/magnification" that I've seen 
    everywhere else.
    Anyway, more light-gathering power with less shaking seems 
    like it would be nice, and that's a very good price if they're 
    good binoculars.
    Ed Cannon - - Austin, Texas, USA
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