Series of triple Iridium flares for So Cal

From: Mark Hanning-Lee (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 13:37:52 PDT

  • Next message: George Amos: "ISS UK passes"

    Looks like here in So Cal we're headed for sets of 3 Iridium flares,
    10-20 deg high in the SW to W, each flare about 8.8 minutes after the
    last one. It may be hard to see the fainter ones in murk.
    In some of the series, the Iridiums even flare in numeric order! E.g.
    tonight Iridium 29,30,31: Thursday Iridium 28,29,30. (Presumably because
    they're next to each other on the same orbital plane.)
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