Where's TM-32?

From: Marcus Clark (marcus_j_clark@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 02:02:34 PDT

  • Next message: Mike Waterman: "Re: ISS eclipsed ?"

    From my location Heavens-Above consistently predicts Soyuz TM-32 
    preceding(or succeeding)the ISS by 2or3 seconds,on the same track.
    Despite numerous binocular sweeps along the track during ISS passes,I've 
    been completely unable to see the Soyuz,although its predicted brightness 
    should make it clearly visible.So where's TM-32?
    Whilst waiting (in vain!)to observe the Soyuz last night (Sunday,10/06/01),I 
    saw a beautiful and quite unexpected negative magnitude flare from 
    On the same night,observing Cosmos 1154(which rose in the S at 23:23BST),a 
    satellite of similar speed and magnitude rose in the SSE and crossed its 
    track.The satellites were less than 5deg. apart when they crossed(in the SSE 
    at approx.23:25BST).Cosmos 1154 travelled on to the NNE whilst the other 
    satellite headed NNW.It was a splendid sight indeed,but does anyone have any 
    ideas as to the identity of the other satellite?
    Good observing!
               Marcus Clark
                Paignton UK
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