Hello, I found this on another mailing list: >Dag allemaal, >Volgens Alphonse Pouplier zal ISS (welke voorzien is om 22:13 UT maandag >avond) gedurende 2 minuten ongeveer (van 15 tot 17) verdwijnen achter de >schaduw van de aarde en dan weer verschijnen voordat het achter de horizon >gaat. Maximum hoogte is 36 graden, niet veel weliswaar. > It's in Dutch so here's the translation: According to Alphonse Pouplier, ISS(which can be seen from 22:13UT monday evening(June 11)) will disappear in the Earth's shadow for about 2 minutes(from 22:15 untill 22:17) and then re-appear before it goes behind the horizon. Maximum height is 36 degrees. I simulated this with Satspy and other programs but this statement seems to be wrong. My question is: can this be possible with LEO satellites ? I have never seen this before. This prediction is for Belgium(Brussels=50deg48min N and 4deg22min E) Greetings, Tristan Cools t.cools@yucom.be Belgian Working Group Satellites(BWGS) Ryckevelde: 3.2856E/51.2045N - OBS place 2 Brugge: 3.2166E/51.2104N - OBS place 3(home) Primary site http://gallery.uunet.be/tcools/satimage/index.htm Mirror site http://www.satimage.bwgs.yucom.be/index.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www2.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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