Re: Awesome ISS photos!!!

From: Joerg Kampmann (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 14:21:44 PDT

  • Next message: Joerg Kampmann: "Re: Awesome ISS photos!!!"

    Well, stacking is a very common technique in Geophysics when
    traces of artificial seismogrammes (e.g. for oil-fields) are
    being processed. Of course they must belong to the same area !
    Ulrich Beinert schrieb:
    > > This is aided by the fact that we can stack images to improve the signal
    > > to noise ratio (by the
    > > square root of the number of images being stacked ... from what I recall).
    > This is correct. The results of this are amazing, not only with the ISS, but
    > also with the planets. There's some amazing stuff out there!
    > >       I would bet the reason that your hit rate is higher than
    > > Dave's is that you have a much
    > > larger field of view with your 90 mm scope.
    > Ah, yes, you are right again. So his record is about as good as mine, maybe
    > even better. The scopes I'm working with are 1000 and 1250mm focal length. I
    > have a friend with a 10" SCT, but it's poorly collimated, but once we get it
    > in shape, I'll try some shots with that. I've also been considering a barlow
    > lens for my setup, but I need a really high quality lens for this kind of
    > work, and I'd also be at f/20, so I'd have a far too dark image to freeze
    > (the webcam doesn't gather enough light to use a short enough exposure).
    > I'll be looking into getting an AstroVid camera, those are supposed to be
    > very light sensitive, but I'm not sure I want to work with a VCR. I like
    > having the video right on my hard disk....
    > Ulrich
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